While attending Hermann High School, MiKayla achieved a 4.12 GPA. MiKayla had a flourishing high school career. She excelled in her academics and was a model citizen in her community. MiKayla was very active in FFA and 4-H.
While in high school, Mikayla’s educational career included:
Extracurricular Activities:
FFA: Hermann FFA Chapter: 2011 - 2015
Offices Held:
2012-2013: Assistant Reporter: Chair of Natural Resources, Public Relations, and Scholarship
2013-2014: Chaplain
2014-2015: Secretary
Contest Teams:
Freshman: Knowledge Team
Sophomore: Parliamentary Procedure (Chairman) & Entomology Team
Junior: Poultry
Senior: Farm Management
4-H: Big Spring Busy Beavers 4-H Club: 2004-Present
Offices Held:
2009-2010: Treasurer
2010-2011: Treasurer
2011-2012: Reporter
2012-2013: Treasurer
Council Representative
Arts & Crafts Teen Leader
2013-2014: President
Council Representative
Arts & Crafts Teen Leader
2014-2015: President
Project Groups:
Steer, Arts & Crafts, Cake Decorating, Woodworking, Photography, Bread, Foods
National Honor Society: 2012-2015: Member
Enrichment: 2011-2015
Varsity H: 2013-2015: Member
FCCLA: 2011-2012: Member
Drama: 2014-2015: Member
Hermann Basketball: 2011- 2015
Junior Varsity: 2011-2013
2012-2013: Team Captain
Varsity: 2013-Present
Class Officer: 2011-2015
2011-2012: Treasurer (Nominated by classmates)
2012-2013: Treasurer
2013-2014: Treasurer
Chair of Table Decorations and DJ Service for Prom
2014-2015: Treasurer
Honors and Awards:
Chapter Awards:
2011-2012: Chapter Scholarship
Chapter Leadership
2012-2013: Chapter Scholarship
Chapter Star Farmer
2013-2014: Chapter Scholarship
Chapter Leadership
2014: Barnwarming Queen
Nominated to be on Courtwarming Court
2005: Outstanding First-Year Member
2009-2010: Treasurer's Book: Blue Ribbon
2010-2011: Treasurer's Book: Blue/ Gold Ribbon
2012-2013: Treasurer's Book: Blue/ Gold Ribbon
Market Steer:
2010: Sportsmanship/ Showmanship: Ages 12-14
Rate of Gain
2011: Sportsmanship/ Showmanship: Ages 12-14
2012: Grand Champion Market Steer
Rate of Gain
2013: Sportsmanship/ Showmanship: Ages 15- Over
Hermann Basketball: 2013-2014: 3rd Place State Team
Community and Other Activities:
St. George Church Smorgasbord: Help grill sausage and chicken. October: 2011, 2012, and 2013
St. George Church Rectory: Help decorate the Rectory before the Christmas season for the Christmas Rectory Tours. November: 2012 & 2013
Highway Trash Clean-Up: Work with the Big Spring Busy Beavers 4-H Club to clean up along Hwy K in Big Spring, MO. October: 2004-2014
St. George Fish Fry: Help clean dishes, fill drinks, pick up empty trays and plates and clean off tables. September 2011 & 2012
Big Spring Fire House Chicken Dinner: Help clean off tables, fill drinks, help elderly carry trays, pick up empty trays and plates and clean off tables. October: 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014
Hermann Chamber of Commerce: Help set up the Tin Mill for the Wursffest judging. May 2013
Hermann High School: Working foul panels, concession stands, and middle school tournaments. 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014
St. George Catholic School: Working clock and concession stand for volleyball and basketball games. Also, filling out the scorebook for my brother's basketball team at games. 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014
Work Activity:
MiKayla is currently employed part-time as a waitress for Vintage Restaurant at Stone Hill Winery. She works on the family farms to
Run equipment
Move equipment
Help with Work in the Fields
Bale hay: tetter, rake, bale, load, and haul hay
Clean Storage Bins
Rip Crop Fields
Run Grain Wagon in Field
Feed Cattle: Grain and Hay Bales
Sort Cattle
Haul Cattle: to different farms, to the vet, and to the sale barn
Tag Calves
Prep for Giving Medication (fill syringes with medication, keep the workspace clean, keep needles sterile)
Prep and Help Castrate Bull Calves
Help with Bottle Calves
Run Auger and Fill Tractor Trailers
Clean Tractors and farm equipment
Fix and Build a Fence
Extra House Work:
Help Cut and Split Wood for the Wood Furnace
Clean both inside and outside of semi trucks